Hello everyone! Are you having a good day so far? How have you all been?
It's been getting colder recently since last we talked, February is usually coldest isn't it?
But just a couple more months until spring! I can't wait and I bet you all can't wait to see the latest updates, well let's get to it!
Today is Friday and we have been working hard to make as much progress as possible to show on this day, we have updated Heaven Farm quite a bit in the Top, System and Sample sections, we recommend checking it out!
We want to give our audience the option to not only choose between female or male protagonists but which skin tone they prefer as well!
We plan to release our first demo for the game soon which will be just the character maker for now, you can enjoy creating many cow boys while you wait for the game's release, maybe even create some personal favourites.
We can't wait to tell and show you more about our game! In the mean time I hope you enjoy today's updates and look forward to the next.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day, until next time.