Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a wonderful day!
it's been fairly warm for winter so far, let's enjoy it while it lasts.
Today our website has opened and we are working hard on our first game!
Our first project is a game called Heaven Farm, a farm-like simulator game that allows you to raise, milk and breed beautiful "cow boys" so you can make money and build the best farm you can.
Our team is small and production will be a little slow but rest assured we are working very hard every day to put our games on the market for everyone to enjoy.
We will keep everyone updated on production of the game in this blog so look forward to the many new things you will be shown for Heaven Farm.
Heaven Farm game mechanics so far include:
Milking your cow boys and selling the milk for profits
Breeding the cow boys by having sex with them
Raising baby cow boys until they are grown up then selling them to other farms
We will talk about other mechanics in the future.
We hope you are just as excited as we are for our first game to release, meanwhile we hope you have a wonderful day! until next time.